When visiting Thailand (or any country), it is very useful to know a few basic words and phrases. Wnen asking a question, it is polite for a male to add "khrab" at the end of the sentence and for a female to add "kaa".
1. Hello (sa-wat dee)
This is used for hello and goodbye.
2. Thank you (khorb koon)
I met some Thai ladies last year and they told me I should say 'khorb koon kaa'. (It was easy to remember because it sounded similar to cop cun car)
3. How much? (gee baht)
This is very useful when shopping.
4. Where is? ( yoo tee nai)
A very handy phrase - point at a place on your map or in your guide book and say "yoo tee nai". Also useful when you are trying to find the right bus.
5. I don't want (mai ow)
This will come in very handy especially if your'e sitting on a train or walking down the street and are approached by vendors trying to sell you something.
6. Sorry (khor toat)
Just like you would at home, say sorry if you accidently knock into someone etc.
7. One-ten (neung-sib)
If you can count up to ten it will be useful, eg counting change
One - neung
Two - song
Three sam
Four see
Five har
Six hok
Seven jed
Eight bad
Nine gao
Ten sib
Eleven sib et
Twelve sib song
Thirteen sib sam
8. Can you make it cheaper? (lot noi dai mai)
Useful when shopping especially at markets. It may even get a a better discount.
9. Delicious (a-roi)
After a delicious meal the cook would love to hear that you found the food delicious. You never know, the next time you go back to the same place she might give you an extra helping!
10. Never mind (mai ben rai)
If someone apologises to you for doing something wrong (khor toat) reply with "mai ben rai". If someone says "thank you" for a present just say "mai ben rai".
The above is taken from a very useful website, further information can be found Here. It covers several aspects, like going shopping, food and drink, getting around town and many more.
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